Rider-Waite Tarot Deck (9780913866139)
IN 1909, ARTIST PAMELA COLMAN SMITH, under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite, created an innovative 78-card tarot deck that would come to be recognized as revolutionary. With descriptive pictures on the 56 minor Arcana cards, the Rider-Waite deck digressed from the tradition of tarot decks used for centuries and set the standard for nearly every tarot deck published.
Product details
- Cards | 56 pages
- 73.66 x 124.46 x 30.48mm | 244.94g
- 31 Jul 2002
- U.S. Games
- CT, United States
- English
- 091386613X
- 9780913866139
- 354
Download Rider-Waite Tarot Deck (9780913866139).pdf, available at buonoitaliankitchen.com for free.
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