
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2022

Pacifist Invasions : Arabic, Translation & the Postfrancophone Lyric (9781789622263)

Pacifist Invasions is about what happens to the francophone lyric in the translingual Franco-Arabic context. Drawing on lyric theory, comparative poetics, and linguistics, it demonstrates how Arabic literature and Islamic scripture pacifically invade French in the poetry of Habib Tengour (Algeria), Edmond Jabes (Egypt), Salah Stetie (Lebanon), Abdelwahab Meddeb (Tunisia), and Ryoko Sekiguchi (Japan). Pacifist Invasions deploys side-by-side comparisons of classical Arabic literature, Islamic scripture, and the Arabic commentary traditions in the original language against the landscapes of modern and contemporary French and francophone literature, poetry, and poetics. Detailed close readings reveal three generic modes of translating Arabic poetics into the French lyric, and the mechanisms by which poets foreignize French, as they engage in a translational and intertextual relationship with the history and world of Arabic literature. Through fine-grained analyses of poetry, translations, ...

Tarot Psychology : Volume I of the Jungian Tarot Trilogy (9781572819085)

This illustrated companion to The Jungian Tarot deck applies Jungian principles of "active imagination" to the tarot archetypes, providing a meditative and self-explorative approach to tarot. Product details Format Paperback | 120 pages Dimensions 133 x 210 x 7.62mm | 181.44g ...

Nomad Century : How to Survive the Climate Upheaval (9780241522318)

Longlisted for the Financial Times Business Book of the Year award 'Gaia Vince's new book should be read not just by every politician, but by every person on the planet' Observer An urgent investigation of the most underreported, seismic consequence of climate change: how it will force us to change where - and how - we live We are facing a species emergency. With every degree of temperature rise, a billion people will be displaced from the zone in which humans have lived for thousands of years. While we must do everything we can to mitigate the impact of climate change, the brutal truth is that huge swathes of the world are becoming uninhabitable. From Bangladesh to Sudan to the western United States, and in cities from Cardiff to New Orleans to Shanghai, the quadruple threat of drought, heat, wildfires and flooding will utterly reshape Earth's human geography in the coming decades. In this rousing call to arms, Royal Society Science Book Prize-winning author Gaia Vi...

Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (9783030481896)

This book is to explores a variety of facets of online learning environments to understand how learning occurs and succeeds in digital contexts and what teaching strategies and technologies are most suited to this format. Business, health, government and education are some of the core sectors of society which have been experiencing deep transformations due to a generalized digitalization. While these changes are not novel, the swift progress of technology and the rising complexity of digital environments place a focus on the need for further research and novel strategies. In the context of education, the promise of increased flexibility and broader access to educational resources is impelling much of higher education's course offerings to online environments. The 21st century learner requires an education that can be pursued anytime and anywhere and that is more aligned with the demands of a digital society. Online education not only assists students to success-fully integrate a wo...

Classical Chinese for Everyone : A Guide for Absolute Beginners (9781624668210)

In just thirteen brief, accessible chapters, this engaging little book takes "absolute beginners" from the most basic questions about the language (e.g., what does a classical Chinese character look like?) to reading and understanding selections from classical Chinese philosophical texts and Tang dynasty poetry. " An outstanding introduction to reading classical Chinese . Van Norden does a wonderful job of clearly explaining the basics of classical Chinese, and he carefully takes the reader through beautifully chosen examples from the textual tradition. An invaluable work." -Michael Puett, Harvard University Product details Format Paperback | 152 pages ...

The Haiku Apprentice : Memoirs of Writing Poetry in Japan (9781933330044)

The problem came to a head one day as I was driving through Tokyo. While waiting for the light to change, I saw the following public service announcement on the side of a bus: Omoiyari hitonikurumani konomachini (Sympathy / toward people, toward cars / toward this town). Seventeen syllables. Five-seven-five format. It must be a haiku, I thought. But when I reached the office and repeated the announcement to my Japanese coworkers, none of them thought it was a haiku. I knew they were thinking to themselves, What kind of a lunatic is she? One tried to break the news to me gently, It's not a haiku, it's an advertising jingle. Well, I knew it was an advertising jingle, but still, wasn't it an advertising jingle haiku?-From The Haiku Apprentice Abigail Friedman was an American diplomat in Tokyo, not a writer. A chance encounter leads her to a haiku group, where she discovers poetry that anyone can enjoy writing. Her teacher and fellow haiku group members instruct her in season...

A Dissertation on Miracles : Designed to Shew, That They Are Arguments of a Divine Interposition, and Absolute Proofs of the Mission and Doctrine of a Prophet (Classic Reprint) (9780484096720)

Excerpt from A Dissertation on Miracles: Designed to Shew, That They Are Arguments of a Divine Interposition, and Absolute Proofs of the Mission and Doctrine of a Prophet With'out entering into an examination of the p'ecna liar nature and circumflances of the Scripture mira cles, I confider only the general gag/zion, Whether miracles are, in themfelves, evidences of a divine 1n terpofitionf and confeqnently (when properly ap plied) certain proofs of the divine original of a fu pernatural revelation? Nor is it merely the credit of revelation that 18 concerned in this queflion; but the honour alfo of the general adminifiration of di vine providence, and the common interefts of piety and ovirtue. And one would imagme, that all men would wifh to fee the affirmative of this quefiion fully proved: for what can contribute more to our happi nefs, fithan the belief that the world 18 under the go vernmént of God alone and that no created fpirits, much lefs fuch as Oppofe his benevolent a...

U.S. Beef Industry : Cattle Cycles, Price Spreads, and Packer Concentration (9781249331353)

In early 1996, the peak in the current cycle of cattle inventories coincided with a long list of negative factors--negative returns at the farm and feedlot, record-high feed grain prices, a severe drought in 1995-96, widening farm-retail price spreads, a low farmers' share of the consumers' Choice beef dollar, and reports of high profits for beefpackers. This confluence created an atmosphere in which some producers and members of Congress questioned whether the cattle industry was adversely affected by high packer concentration and market power. This report examines the cattle cycle of the 1990's to determine if there are differences from previous cattle cycles and, if so, how and why any differences occurred. Product details Format Paperback ...

Complete Guide to Digital Photography (9780857385482)

Are you intent on capturing the perfect sunset? A budding photojournalist? Or ready to take your holiday snaps to the next level? The Complete Guide to Digital Photography is your definitive guide to taking, processing and printing sharper, more colourful and better looking pictures. Ian Farrell's expert tips take you from the basics of using your camera to advanced darkroom techniques with 52 step-by-step projects including portraits, landscapes, still-life images, fast-moving objects and photographing live events. Easy-to-follow instructions introduce you to the latest software, allowing you to retouch blemishes, restore old photographs or adjust the colour to transform washed-out pictures into professional-quality photographs. Reflecting the latest online developments, this comprehensive guide also includes advice on selling your images through agencies, high-quality printing and even creating your own coffee-table book. Featuring technical tips, interviews with the professional...

Microbiology and Biochemistry of Strict Anaerobes Involved in Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer (9781461278924)

The belief that energy might be a limiting factor for the development of humanity led twenty years ago to a great interest being'taken in research on anaerobic digestion. The first international symposium held in Cardiff in 1979 was followed by the meetings in Travenmund (1981), Boston (1983), Guangzhou (1985) and Bologna (1988). By now anaerobic digestion has come to be recognized as an appropriate technology for waste treatment. More recently, the increase in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere and (in developed countries, especially_ in the EEC) the* fact that more and more land is becoming available for purposes other than food production make biomass production economically and/or socially feasible for industrial purposes. The possibility of using renewable organic carbon resources in this way is of great potential interest for developing biological techniques and could considerably increase the use of anaerobic micro-organisms in cellulose biotransformation and energ...

The House is Full of Yogis (9780007514649)

A witty memoir about the trials of adolescence, the tribulations of family life and the embarrassment that ensues from having larger-than-life parents Neville and Liz Hodgkinson bought into the Thatcherite dream of home ownership, aspiration and advancement. The first children of their working class parents to go to university and have professional careers, they lived in a semi-detached house in Richmond, sent their sons Tom and Will to private school, and went on holiday to Greece once a year. Neville was an award-winning science writer and Liz was a high-earning tabloid hack. Then a disastrous boat holiday, followed by a life-threatening bout of food poisoning from a contaminated turkey, led to the search for a new way of life. Nev joined the Brahma Kumaris, who believe evolution is a myth, time is circular, and a forthcoming Armageddon will make way for a new Golden Age. Out went drunken dinner parties and Victorian decor schemes; in came large women in saris meditating in the livi...