
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2020

Mathe ist ein Arschloch (3830334257)

Luke Mockridge, 24-jähriger Shooting-Star der deutschen Comedy, wirft einen höchst amüsanten Blick zurück auf die Schulzeit, in dem sich jeder wiederfindet: Die verschiedenen Lehrer- und Schülertypen werden ebenso porträtiert wie klassische Schulsituationen - von der fragwürdigen "Hilfestellung" im Sportunterricht über die Rückgabe der Mathearbeiten bis zu peinlichen Erlebnissen auf Klassenfahrten. Product details Format Paperback | 157 pages Dimensions 121 x 187 x 17mm

Krummhörn & Greetsiel 1 : 25 000 : 19 Ortspläne der Gemeinde Krummhörn in 1:7.500 und Freitzeitkarte 1:25.000 incl. Radrouten und Wanderwegen (3896416839)

Der KVplan Krummhörn kombiniert in seiner 11. Auflage Alltags- und Freizeitinformationen und weist folgende Merkmale auf: R A D K A R T E - hervorgehobene Darstellung der neuen Krummhörner Kirchturm-Tour mit Erläuterungen - touristische Radrouten (u.a. "Seeräuber und Häuptlinge", NSCR, RadupPad, Friesische Mühlentour, Dortmund-Ems-Kanal-Route, Heerweg) - beschildertes Radroutennetz - Radrundwanderwege - Fahrradvermietungen - Fahrradfähre (Pünte) - straßenbegleitende Radwege - flächendeckende Darstellung der überprüften befestigten Wege O R T S P L Ä N E - 19 Detailkarten im Maßstab 1:7.500 der Ortschaften und Warfen - Greetsiel, Hauen, Visquard, Jennelt, Eilsum, Grimersum, Pilsum, Neu Etum, Hamswehrum, Woltzeten, Manslagt, Groothusen, Pewsum, Woquard, Uttum, Canum, Freepsum, Upleward, Campen, Loquard und Rysum - Straßenverzeichnis mit 300m-Suchgitter - Legende von der Apotheke über den Kinderspielplatz bis zum Zahnarzt (72 verschiedene Symbole) - Gewerbe- und Neu

Was ist Was. Der Urmensch (378860249X)

Stammt der Mensch vom Affen ab? Welche Vorteile bot der aufrechte Gang? Haben wir Neandertalergene in uns? Der Wissenschaftsjournalist Dr. Rainer Köthe bringt uns in diesem WAS IST WAS-Buch die Lebensweise unserer Urahnen nahe, er berichtet von der Zähmung des Feuers und beschreibt die Entwicklung der Sprache. Anschaulich stellt er aktuelle Erkenntnisse und Theorien vor, erklärt die neuesten Methoden der Urmenschenforschung und geht schließlich der Frage nach, wie sich der Mensch weiterentwickeln könnte. Product details For ages 8+ Format Hardback | 48 pages

Understanding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (9780881326727)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a big deal in the making. With the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations at an impasse, the TPP negotiations have taken center stage as the most significant trade initiative of the 21st century. As of December 2012, negotiators have made extensive progress in 15 negotiating rounds since the talks began in March 2010, though hard work remains to finish the deal in the coming year or so. Despite this effort, however, the TPP is not well understood. In part, the reason lies in the dynamism of the TPP initiative. Unlike other free trade pacts, the growing membership as the talks have proceeded, and the broad range, complexity, and novelty of the issues on the agenda have made it difficult to track the substantive detail and progress of the talks. This Policy Analysis aims to remedy this problem by providing a reader's guide to the TPP initiative. It first assesses how much the TPP countries are alike and like-minded in their pursuit of a c

Working the Roots : Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing (0692857877)

African American traditional medicine is an American classic that emerged out of the necessity of its people to survive. It began with the healing knowledge brought with the African captives on the slave ships and later merged with Native American, European and other healing traditions to become a full-fledged body of medicinal practices that has lasted in various forms down to the present day. Working the Roots: Over 400 Years Of Traditional African American Healing is the result of first-hand interviews, conversations, and apprenticeships conducted and experienced by author Michele E. Lee over several years of living and studying in the rural South and in the West Coast regions of the United States. She combines a novelist's keen ear for storytelling and dialogue and a healer's understanding of folk medicine arts into a book that makes for both pleasant, interesting reading, and serves as a permanent household healing guide. Divided between sections on interviews of healers a

Chinese Art : A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery (9780804843164)

With over 630 striking color photos and illustrations, this Chinese art guide focuses on the rich tapestry of symbolism which makes up the basis of traditional Chinese art. Chinese Art: A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery includes detailed commentary and historical background information for the images that continuously reappear in the arts of China, including specific plants and animals, divine beings, mortals and inanimate objects. The book thoroughly illuminates the origins, common usages and diverse applications of popular Chinese symbols in a tone that is both engaging and authoritative. Chinese Art: A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery is an essential reference for collectors, museum-goers, guides, students and anyone else with a serious interest in the culture and history of China. Product details Format

Midwives and Mothers : The Medicalization of Childbirth on a Guatemalan Plantation (9781477311394)

The World Health Organization is currently promoting a policy of replacing traditional or lay midwives in countries around the world. As part of an effort to record the knowledge of local midwives before it is lost, Midwives and Mothers explores birth, illness, death, and survival on a Guatemalan sugar and coffee plantation, or finca, through the lives of two local midwives, Dona Maria and her daughter Dona Siriaca, and the women they have served over a forty-year period. By comparing the practices and beliefs of the mother and daughter, Sheila Cosminsky shows the dynamics of the medicalization process and the contestation between the midwives and biomedical personnel, as the latter try to impose their system as the authoritative one. She discusses how the midwives syncretize, integrate, or reject elements from Mayan, Spanish, and biomedical systems. The midwives' story becomes a lens for understanding the impact of medicalization on people's lives and the ways in which women&#

The Book of Flying Machines (9780711243439)

Join Cogz the Robot Dog and discover how AEROPLANES and other FLYING MACHINES work! Cogz, and his mice sidekicks, Nutty and Bolt, are up in the sky, looking different flying machines. But how do they work? Discover all about forces, learn about wings, find out about the fastest planes in the world, and much more! Covering key STEM themes of engineering, physics, and inventions, and with a fun quiz to test your knowledge, this book will get your child engaged and hands-on with learning. Helicopters Aeroplanes Jet Engines Fighter Jets How Air Balloons Jumbo Jets Drones Jet Packs Perfect for vehicle-mad pre-schoolers, the Clever Cogz series lets you discover different vehicles, from space rockets to racing cars. Bite-sized text and colourful, informative illustrations introduce the transport topics in a simple, engaging way for young readers with a passion for machines. Product details

Hebarium Orbis (3943573265)

Herbarium Orbis pays tribute to plants as aesthetic phenomenons. With surprisingly facsimiles of beautiful plant specimens and insightful text the lavishly illustrated volume is an art book and encyclopedia likewise. Divided into different chapters you will learn everything about the history, origin, and application of crop plants, medicinal plants, psychoactive plants, and aphrodisiac plants. Picking up on the tradition of botany this book proves that Mother Nature is the greatest artists all along. Product details Format Hardback | 250 pages Dimensions 241.3 x 381

Pirate Chains : Strong tides (1726436942)

A chain and a collar can restrain a man, but the innocence of an angel breaks the devil. Once upon a time, there was a nobleman and Nyx was his name. He was respectful, principled, and handsome. The young man owned several ships and managed his late-father's fishing business. He spent the past few years doing nothing but taking care of his mother and older sister, and struggling to deal with the selfishness of his stepfather. One day, the fates threw him into a dangerous predicament and he found himself being saved by the devil. Agenor, Captain of the Martina pirate crew. Strong and ruthless, Agenor was known across the sea as 'the Devil'. At their first encounter, Agenor couldn't help but be enchanted by the innocent angel. Drawn to him, he entrapped him and abused him. He didn't listen to Nyx's pleas and repeatedly denied him escape. This story depicts Nyx's adventure as he struggled to live among pirates, avoided their bullying and harassment, and discove

Die sieben geistigen Gesetze des Erfolgs (3548740944)

Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Leben Erfolg im Leben ist nicht nur das Resultat harter Arbeit, exakter Planung oder der ehrgeizigen Realisierung materieller Ziele. Denn Gesundheit, positive Lebensenergie, seelische Zufriedenheit und Glück sind innere Faktoren, die ohne eine entsprechende geistige Einstellung nicht zu verwirklichen sind. Der weltbekannte amerikanische Arzt und Autor Deepak Chopra formuliert in diesem spirituellen Führer die Essenz seiner Lehre von den geistigen Voraussetzungen des Erfolgs in sieben einfachen, aber wirksamen Gesetzen. Eine präzise und prägnante Anleitung für jeden, der seine Träume im Leben verwirklichen will. Lernen Sie auch das Hörbuch zu diesem Titel kennen! Product details Format Paperback | 140 pages