
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2020

Optical Systems Engineering (0071754407)

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A practical guide to optical system design and developmentOptical Systems Engineering emphasizes first-order, system-level estimates of optical performance. Building on the basic principles of optical design and engineering, the book uses numerous practical examples to illustrate the essential, real-world processes such as requirements analysis, feasibility and trade studies, subsystem interfaces, error budgets, requirements flow-down and allocation, component specifications, and vendor selection. Filled with detailed diagrams and photographs, this is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in developing optical, electro-optical, and infrared systems. Optical Systems Engineering covers: Systems engineering Geometrical optics Aberrations and image quality Radiometry Optical sources Dete...

Butter : A Rich History (1616207396)

After travelling across three continents to stalk the modern story of butter, award-winning food writer and former pasty chef Elaine Khosrova serves up a story as rich, textured, and culturally relevant as butter itself. From its humble agrarian origins to its present day artisanal glory, butter has a fascinating story to tell, and Khosrova is the perfect person to tell it. With tales about the ancient butter bogs of Ireland, the pleasure dairies of France, and the sacred butter sculptures of Tibet, Khosrova details butter's role in history, politics, economics, nutrition, and even spirituality and art. Readers will alsofindthe essential collection of core butter recipes, including beurre manie, croissants, pate brisee, and the only buttercream frosting anyone will ever need, as well as practical how-tos for making various types of butter at home - or shopping for the best. Product details ...

To a Girl I Haven't Met (0692947000)

In a beautiful debut from a fresh new voice, Zack Grey sheds light on what it is to experience heartbreak, to dream of something more, and what it takes to be a true romantic in a world of cynics. To A Girl I Haven't Met takes you on a journey through poetry and prose that reminds us all what it takes to keep believing in true love. Product details Format Paperback | 188 pages Dimensions 127 x 203 x 10mm | 191g ...

Teen Saints : La Freccia Sacra (9788898812271)

Il giorno del suo sedicesimo compleanno, il mondo della giovane Lucy viene stravolto per sempre. Dopo essere stata attaccata da un demone, riesce a salvarsi grazie all'aiuto di un misterioso arciere, Seby, che la porta in salvo in una... chiesa. Lì un profeta di nome Daniel spiega alla ragazza la sconvolgente verità Lucy è in realtà la santa della Luce. In sé la giovane custodisce l'anima di santa Lucia, rimasta dormiente per secoli. Ma non è tutto: Lucy, così come Seby, ragazzo tormentato dentro cui rivive san Sebastiano, fa parte di una squadra di santi Supremi, che ha combattuto come esercito di Dio contro il male e i suoi due fratelli demoni, Vendetta e Rancore. I santi sarebbero perciò dei guerrieri al servizio di Dio. Dopo una tregua durata secoli, il Bene e il Male sono tornati in guerra e l'esercito aureo si deve ricostituire in fretta: compito di Lucy e Seby è quello di cercare gli altri giovani santi Supremi e risvegliare le loro anime di combattenti, grazie all...

All's Well that Ends Well (9780521535151)

The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to students worldwide for its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. The series features line-by-line commentaries and textual notes on the plays and poems. Introductions are regularly refreshed with accounts of new critical, stage and screen interpretations. For the second edition of All's Well That Ends Well, Alexander Leggatt has written a completely new introduction to Russell Fraser's text of one of Shakespeare's most puzzling, ambiguous and demanding plays. Leggatt's interest in performance is evident throughout the introduction, particularly in his discussion of the instability of the main characters. He also provides a full, illustrated and thoughtful account of the play's critical and theatrical fortunes to the end of the twentieth century, and explores our experience as an audience of seeing and hearing the play performed. An updated reading list completes the volume. ...

Shakespeare's Words : A Glossary and Language Companion (9780140291179)

A vital resource for scholars, students and actors, this book contains glosses and quotes for over 14,000 words that could be misunderstood by or are unknown to a modern audience. Displayed panels look at such areas of Shakespeare's language as greetings, swear-words and terms of address. Plot summaries are included for all Shakespeare's plays and on the facing page is a unique diagramatic representation of the relationships within each play. Product details Format Paperback | 676 pages Dimensions 172 x 230 x 42mm ...

Lost Letters (9781645591634)

Mary Grace Landers and Ethan Grant have one of those undying remarkable loves that everyone would like to experience just once in their lifetime. An extraordinary love that surpasses description. They live in a time when handwritten letters were important and, sometimes, the only means of communication. Their story starts when they are in their teens living in the early 1960s and then travel through their respective lives as they encounter pain, betrayal, and regret. They go through a time of change which includes war, upheaval in the United States, and terrible loss. Mary Grace and Ethan's story reveals how one action from one individual can change the course of peoples' lives and, ultimately, puts one to the test concerning forgiveness. Product details Format Hardback ...

[📖PDF] パターンレーベルの子供服ソーイングStyle Book (Heart Warming Life Series).pdf by 4529055574 書籍を無料ダウンロード

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[📖PDF] 母乳育児学.pdf by 4525503610 書籍を無料ダウンロード

母乳育児学.pdf by ダウンロード 自由 電子ブック ダウンロード 母乳育児学.Pdf by 4525503610 ダウンロード 電子ブック 自由 Download & Read 母乳育児学.pdf , available at for free. GET FREE NOW Format: Pdf Publisher: ISBN10: 4525503610 Release Date: Number of Pages: Rating: 4.5 PDF書籍を無料ダウンロードできるサイトを紹介したいと思います 母乳育児学.pdf by 。 このサイトは, 書籍が豊富にダウンロードできます, & ファイルを「母乳育児学.pdf by 」に保存する方法. 母乳育児学.pdf by 電子書籍は紙の書籍より大きく割安で便利ですので、AndroidタブレットやiPhone、Kindleなどで電子書籍を読む人がだんだん増えています。異なる端末で本を読めるように、一般に書籍をPDF形式でダウンロードします 母乳育児学.pdf by . 母乳育児学.pdf by Kingleストアはアマゾンが運営する電子書籍を無料ダウンロードできるサイトです。ライトノベルや小説、漫画コミックなど、豊富な書籍を購入やダウンロードすることができます。有料になりますが、無料の書籍も提供されています 母乳育児学.pdf by 。 母乳育児学.pdf by 青空文庫はよく知られているインターネットの電子図書館です。12000以上の小説を無料ダウンロードすることができます。トップページ右上の検索窓で、目指す作品の有無を確認できます。作家名からや仮名で作品を検索することが可能です 母乳育児学.pdf by 。 母乳育児学.pdf by パブーはPDFフォーマットの小説や雑誌、写真集などの書籍をダウンロードできるサイトです。書籍が豊富に提供され、カテゴリ、新着順、販売順などで検索することが可能です。有料サイトですが、無料でダウンロードできる書籍も多いです。ダウンロードする時、ファイルのフォーマットを選択することができます 母乳育児学.pdf by 。 母乳育児学.pdf by でも、パブーは2019年9月30日に閉店すると...

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[📖PDF] トコトンやさしい溶接の本 (B&Tブックス―今日からモノ知りシリー ズ).pdf by 4526063673 書籍を無料ダウンロード

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[📖PDF] ファインバブル入門.pdf by 4526076252 書籍を無料ダウンロード

ファインバブル入門.pdf by ダウンロード 自由 電子ブック ダウンロード ファインバブル入門.Pdf by 4526076252 ダウンロード 電子ブック 自由 Download & Read ファインバブル入門.pdf , available at for free. GET FREE NOW Format: Pdf Publisher: ISBN10: 4526076252 Release Date: Number of Pages: Rating: 3.5 PDF書籍を無料ダウンロードできるサイトを紹介したいと思います ファインバブル入門.pdf by 。 このサイトは, 書籍が豊富にダウンロードできます, & ファイルを「ファインバブル入門.pdf by 」に保存する方法. ファインバブル入門.pdf by 電子書籍は紙の書籍より大きく割安で便利ですので、AndroidタブレットやiPhone、Kindleなどで電子書籍を読む人がだんだん増えています。異なる端末で本を読めるように、一般に書籍をPDF形式でダウンロードします ファインバブル入門.pdf by . ファインバブル入門.pdf by Kingleストアはアマゾンが運営する電子書籍を無料ダウンロードできるサイトです。ライトノベルや小説、漫画コミックなど、豊富な書籍を購入やダウンロードすることができます。有料になりますが、無料の書籍も提供されています ファインバブル入門.pdf by 。 ファインバブル入門.pdf by 青空文庫はよく知られているインターネットの電子図書館です。12000以上の小説を無料ダウンロードすることができます。トップページ右上の検索窓で、目指す作品の有無を確認できます。作家名からや仮名で作品を検索することが可能です ファインバブル入門.pdf by 。 ファインバブル入門.pdf by パブーはPDFフォーマットの小説や雑誌、写真集などの書籍をダウンロードできるサイトです。書籍が豊富に提供され、カテゴリ、新着順、販売順などで検索することが可能です。有料サイトですが、無料でダウンロードできる書籍も多いです。ダウンロードする時、ファイルのフォーマットを選択することができます ファイン...

The Informationist : A Vanessa Michael Monroe Novel (9780307717108)

Governments pay her. Criminals fear her. Nobody sees her coming. Vanessa "Michael" Munroe deals in information--expensive information--working for corporations, heads of state, private clients, and anyone else who can pay for her unique brand of expertise. Born to missionary parents in lawless central Africa, Munroe took up with an infamous gunrunner and his mercenary crew when she was just fourteen. As his protégé, she earned the respect of the jungle's most dangerous men, cultivating her own reputation for years until something sent her running. After almost a decade building a new life and lucrative career from her home base in Dallas, she's never looked back. Until now. A Texas oil billionaire has hired her to find his daughter who vanished in Africa four years ago. It's not her usual line of work, but she can't resist the challenge. Pulled deep into the mystery of the missing girl, Munroe finds herself back in the lands of her childhood, betrayed, cu...

Introduction to the Human Body (9781118583180)

Introduction to the Human Body 10th Edition offers a balanced introduction to the human body, especially developed to meet the needs of the one-semester A&P course. It provides an effective blend of stunning art and clearly written text to illuminate the complexities of the human body. Class-tested pedagogy is woven into the narrative and illustrations to ensure that students gain a solid understanding of the material. Product details Format Hardback | 640 pages Dimensions 235 x 281 x 26mm ...

[📖PDF] 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by 4529039846 書籍を無料ダウンロード

簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by ダウンロード 自由 電子ブック ダウンロード 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).Pdf by 4529039846 ダウンロード 電子ブック 自由 Download & Read 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf , available at for free. GET FREE NOW Format: Pdf Publisher: ISBN10: 4529039846 Release Date: Number of Pages: Rating: 4.2 PDF書籍を無料ダウンロードできるサイトを紹介したいと思います 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by 。 このサイトは, 書籍が豊富にダウンロードできます, & ファイルを「簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by 」に保存する方法. 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by 電子書籍は紙の書籍より大きく割安で便利ですので、AndroidタブレットやiPhone、Kindleなどで電子書籍を読む人がだんだん増えています。異なる端末で本を読めるように、一般に書籍をPDF形式でダウンロードします 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by . 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by Kingleストアはアマゾンが運営する電子書籍を無料ダウンロードできるサイトです。ライトノベルや小説、漫画コミックなど、豊富な書籍を購入やダウンロードすることができます。有料になりますが、無料の書籍も提供されています 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming life series).pdf by 。 簡単カントリー木工 (2) (Heart warming...

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Whose Knowledge Counts in Government Literacy Policies? : Why Expertise Matters (9780415858014)

Accountability, in the form of standardized test scores, is built into many government literacy policies, with severe consequences for schools and districts that fail to meet ever-increasing performance levels. The key question this book addresses is whose knowledge is considered in framing government literacy policies? The intent is to raise awareness of the degree to which expertise is being ignored on a worldwide level and pseudo-science is becoming the basis for literacy policies and laws. The authors, all leading researchers from the U.S., U.K., Scotland, France, and Germany, have a wide range of views but share in common a deep concern about the lack of respect for knowledge among policy makers. Each author comes to the common subject of this volume from the vantage point of his or her major interests, ranging from an exposition of what should be the best knowledge utilized in an aspect of literacy education policy, to how political decisions are impacting literacy policy, to lay...

Hpi : Seeking the Unknown (9780359226283)

HPI International (Halo Paranormal Investigations) sets out for the unknown. Their cases are recognized by Travel Channel's Ghost Bait and Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures in the episode called Crisis in Oakdale. HPI with Paul and Deanna are now in Facebook commercials, Facebook advertisements and on Regional Transit lightrails and billboards in the Sacramento area. Product details Format Paperback | 46 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 3mm | 82g ...

Rechtsformwahrende Sitzverlegung, Verschmelzungen Und Formwechsel Von Personengesellschaften Innerhalb Der Eu : Eine Analyse de Lege Lata Und de Lege Ferenda (9783848766222)

Die Arbeit stosst in eine Forschungslucke: Personengesellschaften blieben im Internationalen Gesellschaftsrecht in Forschung und Gesetzgebung bisher weitgehend unbeachtet. Grenzuberschreitende rechtsformwahrende und rechtsformwechselnde (Verschmelzung und Formwechsel) Tatbestande unter Beteiligung von Personengesellschaften gewinnen jedoch stark an Bedeutung in der Praxis. In diametralem Widerspruch dazu steht die gesetzgeberische Untatigkeit auf nationaler und europaischer Ebene. Die Arbeit greift offene Punkte de lege lata und de lege ferenda mit konkreten Vorschlagen auf. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Praxis. Wissenschaftliche Tiefe und konkrete Ausfuhrungen fur die Praxis erhellen die einzelnen Schritte, um diese de lege lata moglichst rechtssicher durchfuhren zu konnen. De lege ferenda bedarf es auf nationaler und europaischer Ebene einer Kodifizierung, wofur die Arbeit konkrete Normen und Leitlinien bietet. ...

Loudspeaker Modelling and Design : A Practical Introduction (9780815361336)

In this book, Geoff Hill demonstrates modern software and hardware being applied to the processes behind loudspeaker design and modelling. Modern computing power has progressed to the point that such analyses are now practical for any interested individual or small company. Loudspeaker Modelling and Design: A Practical Introduction examines the process from initial concept through specifications and theoretical simulations and onto detailed design. It demonstrates the processes of design and specification, by using detailed simulations of a loudspeaker driver; sufficient to give re-assurance that a design is practical and will perform as expected.This book brings together many different strands of modelling from electro-magnetic through to mechanical and acoustic, without getting bogged down in theoretical discussions and arguments. This practice-based book shows the techniques used in designing modern loudspeakers and transducers. Product details ...

Transformationen : Studien Zu Den Wandlungsprozessen in Theologie Und Frommigkeit Zwischen Spatmittelalter Und Reformation (9783161528200)

Der Band versammelt mehrere Aufsatze von Volker Leppin aus den vergangenen eineinhalb Jahrzehnten. Sie reichen von den Auseinandersetzungen um Aristoteles im 13. Jahrhundert bis zur negativen wie positiven Rezeption Martin Luthers im Zuge des 16. Jahrhunderts. In ihrer Gesamtheit konturieren sie ein Bild von Spatmittelalter und Fruher Neuzeit, das die Reformation weniger als Bruch mit der gangigen Theologie, Frommigkeit und Kirche erscheinen lasst, denn als eine Transformation des Vorgegebenen. Was an ihr neu ist, lasst sich aus dem Umgang mit dem Alten erklaren. Im Zentrum stehen dabei die sogenannten Sola der reformatorischen Theologie: Solus Christus, Sola gratia, Sola fide und Sola scriptura. Je scharfer diese Begriffe Ausschliesslichkeitscharakter gewannen, desto markanter entwickelte sich ein reformatorisches Profil, das gleichwohl den Wurzeln in Mystik, Frommigkeitstheologie und auch Scholastik und Humanismus verbunden blieb. Product details...

Gespräche über Freundschaft, Alter und die Freiheit der Seele (9783150107157)

Der Denker und Staatsmann Cicero hat sich in verschiedenen Schriften mit Fragen des menschlichen Lebens auseinandergesetzt, die auch 2000 Jahre später noch jeden betreffen: In seinem Dialog 'Laelius' erörtert er, was eine rechte Freundschaft ausmacht; im 'Cato' wird dargelegt, dass man sich vor dem Alter nicht zu fürchten braucht; und im 'Traum des Scipio' (einem Ausschnitt aus Ciceros Werk 'Über den Staat') wird ein Ausblick auf die menschliche Existenz jenseits des irdischen Lebens eröffnet. Product details Format Hardback | 190 pages Dimensions 130 ...

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