
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid (4591103366)

Japanese edition of Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. This bestselling book is based on the original internet comic at Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Product details For ages 6-8 Format Hardback | 221 pages Dimensions 149 x 205 x 19mm | 417g ...

Nigeria's Military Coup Culture : From Major Nzeogwu to LT-Colonel Dimka (1966-1976) (0875867081)

"An insider traces the details of hope and ambition gone wrong in the Giant of Africa, Nigeria, Africa's most populous country. When it gained independence from Britain in 1960, hopes were high that, with mineral wealth and over 140 million people, the most educated workforce in Africa, Nigeria would become Africa s first superpower and a stabilizing democratic influence in the region. However, these lofty hopes were soon dashed and the country lumbered from crisis to crisis, with the democratic government eventually being overthrown in a violent military coup in January 1966. From 1966 until 1999, the army held onto power almost uninterrupted under a succession of increasingly authoritarian military governments and army coups. Military coups and military rule (which began as an emergency aberration) became a seemingly permanent feature of Nigerian politics. The author names names, and explores how British influence aggravated indigenous rivalries. He shows how various faction...

Tuning into Frequency : The Invisible Force That Heals Us and the Planet (9781982147945)

A riveting guide to the energy that surrounds us and how tuning into the power of frequencies can help us heal ourselves, and the planet. Can you feel it? Energy is Everywhere. From the light, sound, and electromagnetic waves that flow all around us to the intricate electrical networks that flow through us, energy is a frontier as exciting as it is uncharted. Every year new science suggests that harnessing the extraordinary power of these invisible frequencies may be the key to a variety of innovations to improve our health and wellbeing, and to repair our struggling ecosystems. In Tuning into Frequency, the minds of Sputnik Futures explore cutting-edge discoveries from doctors, physicists, healers, ecologists, technologists, and thought leaders and explore how we can employ frequency to improve not only our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, but the health of the planet. For example, did you know: -That your heart and your brain share an electromagnetic field? -That trees ca...

Call of Cthulhu : Keeper Rulebook (1568824300)

Call of Cthulhu is a tabletop roleplaying game based upon the worlds of H. P. Lovecraft. It is a game of secrets, mysteries, and horror. Playing the role of steadfast investigators, you travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. You encounter sanity-blasting entities, monsters, and insane cultists. Within strange and forgotten tomes of lore you discover revelations that man was not meant to know. You and your companions may very well decide the fate of the world. This book, the Keeper Rulebook, contains the core rules, background, guidance, spells, and monsters of the game. It is intended for use by the Keeper of Arcane Lore (the Keeper) "€" that player who will present the adventure to the other players. You must have at least one copy of this book to play Call of Cthulhu. The other players, the Investigators, will find it useful to have one or more copies of the Investigator Handbook, containing ...

Kylie Jean: Gymnastics Queen (1515800539)

Kylie Jean decides to sign up for gymnastics lessons. After much practice, she performs in the big showcase event. But she learns that making a new friend is even better than becoming a tumbling queen. Product details For ages 6-8 Format Hardback | 112 pages Dimensions 147.32 x 193.04 x 12.7mm | 272.16g ...

Jungle Jive : Sustaining the Forests of Southeast Asia (9781925501056)

It's easy to be gloomy about the future prospects for the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia. This book takes a constructive look at jungle conservation, arguing that implementing economic measures that value jungle trees is the way to sustain them and their biological values. The central thesis of the book is the need to inject a dose of economic realism into a subject that has been long on superlatives and emotion, but short on commercial reality. The book sets out an argument for the management of tropical jungles founded on an economic case that in part lies in the increasing prospects of sustainable, legally verified wood production and climate change abatement carbon credit trading. It also advocates that making trees too valuable to destroy is a critical piece of the jungle survival puzzle. It advances an argument for developing economic incentives to retain healthy, functioning, viable jungle ecosystems across Southeast Asia. Such a prescription will help to create a set of...

Better Living through Neurochemistry : A guide to the optimization of serotonin, dopamine and the neurotransmitters that color your world (9781523622665)

Brand new revised and updated version of Your Brain Electric for 2017! In brain science, there are two phenomena which are becoming increasing common in modern society. Firstly, rates of depression and anxiety disorders are increasing, with as many as one in five people either clinically depressed or anxious at any given time. Secondly, our aging population is revealing a range of cognitive problems associated with aging, including memory loss and other cognitive impairments. Each of these has a common thread - They are underpinned by clear deficits in neurochemical function. You have probably heard that "depression is caused by a serotonin imbalance" (sometimes, but not always, this is the case), however did you also know - - Depression can be caused by low dopamine or noradrenaline (norepinephrine) - Problems with aceylcholine and glutamate can lead to cognitive, memory and attention-related issues - Deficits in your natural opioids (such as endorphins) not only leads to in...

Blood Rights (9780316084772)

Gothic fantasy meets vampire fiction in this debut novel from Kristen Painter - full of politics, intrigue, and blood. Born into a life of secrets and service, Chrysabelle's body bears the telltale marks of a comarré -- a special race of humans bred to feed vampire nobility. When her patron is murdered, she becomes the prime suspect, which sends her running into the mortal world...and into the arms of Malkolm, an outcast vampire cursed to kill every being from whom he drinks. Now, Chrysabelle and Malkolm must work together to stop a plot to merge the mortal and supernatural worlds. If they fail, a chaos unlike anything anyone has ever seen will threaten to reign. Product details Format Paperback | 418 pages ...

Real World Self-defense : A Guide to Staying Alive in Dangerous Times (9781581600445)

If you want practicl solutions to the violence that permeates today's society, this book offers savvy advice for dealing with everything from an unwarranted attaack to the often ironic legal aftermath. Van Cook covers unarmed defense, improvised weapons, edged weapons, firearms and more and offers something of value for people from all walks of life. Product details Format Paperback | 224 pages Dimensions 142.24 x 215.9 x 20.32mm | 362.87g ...

Chakras : Desvelando los Secretos de la Sanación de Chakras, Meditación Kundalini, Despertar del Tercer Ojo, Proyección Astral, y del Desarrollo Psíquico (9781647482633)

4 manuscritos completos en 1 libro Chakras: Desvelando los secretos de la sanación con meditación de chakras, mantras y reiki, además de consejos para principiantes para despertar el tercer ojo Kundalini: La guía definitiva para despertar a tus chakras a través del Kundalini Yoga y la meditación y para experimentar la conciencia superior, la clarividencia y el viaje astral El Despertar del Tercer Ojo: Secretos de la activación del chakra del tercer ojo para la conciencia superior, la clarividencia, el desarrollo psíquico y la observación de auras y chakras Proyección astral: Desvelando los secretos del viaje astral y teniendo una experiencia voluntaria extracorpórea, que incluye consejos para ingresar al plano astral y cambiar a una conciencia superior La primera parte de este libro incluye: La verdad sobre los chakras 7 señales que avisan que sus chakras están desequilibrados 10 beneficios de sanar sus chakras 14 mitos sobre los chakras 50 técnicas poderosas para sanar chakras 7 cosas...

A Frequency Dictionary of French : Core Vocabulary for Learners (0415775310)

A Frequency Dictionary of French is an invaluable tool for all learners of French, providing a list of the 5000 most frequently used words in the language. Based on a 23-million-word corpus of French which includes written and spoken material both from France and overseas, this dictionary provides the user with detailed information for each of the 5000 entries, including English equivalents, a sample sentence, its English translation, usage statistics, and an indication of register variation. Users can access the top 5000 words either through the main frequency listing or through an alphabetical index. Throughout the frequency listing there are thematically-organized lists of the top words from a variety of key topics such as sports, weather, clothing, and family terms. An engaging and highly useful resource, the Frequency Dictionary of French will enable students of all levels to get the most out of their study of French vocabulary. Deryle Lonsdale is Associate Professor in the Lingui...

French Women Don't Get Facelifts : The Secret of Aging with Style & Attitude (1455524107)

The author of the bestselling French Women Don't Get Fat shares the secrets and strategies of aging with attitude, joy, and no surgery. With her signature blend of wit, no-nonsense advice, and storytelling flair, Mireille Guiliano returns with a delightful, encouraging take on beauty and aging for our times. For anyone who has ever spent the equivalent of a mortgage payment on anti-aging lotions or procedures, dressed inappropriate for their age, gained a little too much in the middle, or accidentally forgot how to flirt, here is a proactive way to stay looking and feeling great, without resorting to "the knife"-a French woman's most guarded beauty secrets revealed for the benefit of us all! Product details Format Paperback | 272 pages ...

Textbook of Ayurveda : Volume 2 - A Complete Guide to Clinical Assessment (9781883725112)

Teaches a systematic method for identifying the causes of illness and the stages in which a disease unfolds. This book presents principles and methods of assessment using a combination of the helpful Ayurvedic and modern techniques. Product details Format Hardback | 394 pages Dimensions 180 x 255 x 30.99mm | 1,108g Publication date ...

Milchzahn, die zweite : Jetzt rede ich! (3940078298)

Aus Marlon, der heimlichen Hauptperson in Thomas Scholtysseks Buch "Achterbahn zum ers ten Milchzahn" , ist inzwischen ein kesser Vierjähriger geworden. Alt genug, so meint sein Vater, dass man ihm allabendlich Ge schich ten aus Papas Buch vorlesen kann. Aber schon nach den ersten Sätzen regt sich Widerstand in dem kleinen Mann und er beschließt, seine eigene Sicht der Geschehnisse darzustellen. In seinem neuen Buch "Milchzahn, die Zweite Jetzt rede ich!" lässt Thomas Scholtyssek Marlon selbst aus seinem jungen Leben erzählen und der Leser stellt fest, dass der Junge seine Eltern ganz gut im Griff hat bzw. hart daran arbeitet. Oder wie soll man es sonst nennen, wenn es ihm immer noch gelingt, seine Eltern mitten in der Nacht aus dem Bett zu treiben, nur weil er ein wenig Langeweile hat? Schlafen kann man ja schließlich auch am Tag! Wieder streut Scholtyssek nützliche Tipps für junge Eltern in das Buch ein z. B. zu den Themen Kinderkrankheiten, Kindergarten, Alltag...

Trockenbau Atlas : Trockenbau Atlas Teil 1 und 2 in einem Band (3481025440)

Teil I + II wieder in einem Band vereint und umfassend aktualisiert! Der "Trockenbau Atlas" zeigt die Grundlagen, Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Konstruktions- und Ausführungsdetails sowie Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten zur Anwendung von Trockenbausystemen. Das Standardwerk zum Trockenbau erscheint mit der aktualisierten und erweiterten 4. Auflage in einem Band und vereint die früheren Teile I und II. Eine neue Gliederung hilft beim schnellen Nachschlagen und erleichtert die Handhabung. Für Planer und Ausführende ist der Trockenbau Atlas die ideale Arbeits- und Entscheidungshilfe zur Wahl der richtigen Konstruktionen und ihres fachgerechten, dauerhaften Einbaus. Zahlreiche Tabellen, Detailzeichnungen und Abbildungen veranschaulichen und vertiefen die Thematik. Aus dem Inhalt: - Einführung - Baustoffe - Bauphysik - Generelle Anforderungen an die Ausführung und Verarbeitung - Wandtrockenputz und Wandbekleidungen aus Verbundplatten - Ständerwandsysteme und Vorsatzschalen - Deckensysteme...

Warum Europa? : Mittelalterliche Grundlagen eines Sonderwegs (3406508936)

Die bevorstehende Osterweiterung der EU stellt erneut die Frage nach der Genese Europas als eines Kulturraums historisch gewachsener Gemeinsamkeiten. In verschiedenen Wissenschaften -Geschichte, Soziologie, "area studies" u.a. - wird das Problem des "europäischen Sonderwegs" und seiner bedingenden Faktoren seit Jahrzehnten diskutiert. Michael Mitterauer entwickelt eine neue und überraschende Antwort, indem er Europa mit anderen Kulturen vergleicht - insbesondere mit dem islamischen Raum und China. Abweichend von den derzeit dominanten Lösungsangeboten des Problems führt sein Weg zu Wurzeln, die weit ins Mittelalter zurückreichen. Das Problem der europäischen Sonderentwicklung beschäftigt die Wissenschaft schon seit vielen Jahrzehnten. Warum ist es gerade in diesem Kulturraum zur Industriellen Revolution gekommen? Warum haben sich hier Kapitalismus und Kolonialismus entwickelt? Warum wurden gerade hier parlamentarisch-demokratische Systeme begründet? Das vorliegende ...

Was Wissen Wir Wirklich? : Eine Spannende Reise Zu Den Wichtigsten Ratseln Der Welt (1505489393)

Dieses Buch hatte auch den Titel "Abenteuer des Denkens" erhalten konnen, denn in das Abenteuer, mit klarem Denken einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Welt zu werfen, entfuhrt der Autor seine Leser. Er zeigt auf, dass grundlegende Fragen der Naturwissenschaften, die heute als beantwortet gelten, oft gar keine Antwort erhalten haben, sondern lediglich im Rahmen von Modellen behandelbar wurden, die selbst sehr oft mehr Fragen aufwerfen, als sie Antworten zu geben vermogen. Der Themenkreis ist dabei weit gespannt und reicht von offenen Fragen der Physik uber aktuelle Fragen der Biologie bis hin zu Fragen der Philosophie. Und was zunachst wie eine Kritik an der speziellen Relativitatstheorie erscheint, was falsch und sinnlos ware, entpuppt sich schon bald als erfolgreicher Versuch, die wichtigsten Paradoxa im heutigen Denken des Menschen aufzulosen. Leicht gemacht wird das als Print- und Kindleversion vorliegende Denkabenteuer dadurch, dass der Autor seine Leser so fuhrt, als war...

Mathe ist ein Arschloch (3830334257)

Luke Mockridge, 24-jähriger Shooting-Star der deutschen Comedy, wirft einen höchst amüsanten Blick zurück auf die Schulzeit, in dem sich jeder wiederfindet: Die verschiedenen Lehrer- und Schülertypen werden ebenso porträtiert wie klassische Schulsituationen - von der fragwürdigen "Hilfestellung" im Sportunterricht über die Rückgabe der Mathearbeiten bis zu peinlichen Erlebnissen auf Klassenfahrten. Product details Format Paperback | 157 pages Dimensions 121 x 187 x 17mm ...

Krummhörn & Greetsiel 1 : 25 000 : 19 Ortspläne der Gemeinde Krummhörn in 1:7.500 und Freitzeitkarte 1:25.000 incl. Radrouten und Wanderwegen (3896416839)

Der KVplan Krummhörn kombiniert in seiner 11. Auflage Alltags- und Freizeitinformationen und weist folgende Merkmale auf: R A D K A R T E - hervorgehobene Darstellung der neuen Krummhörner Kirchturm-Tour mit Erläuterungen - touristische Radrouten (u.a. "Seeräuber und Häuptlinge", NSCR, RadupPad, Friesische Mühlentour, Dortmund-Ems-Kanal-Route, Heerweg) - beschildertes Radroutennetz - Radrundwanderwege - Fahrradvermietungen - Fahrradfähre (Pünte) - straßenbegleitende Radwege - flächendeckende Darstellung der überprüften befestigten Wege O R T S P L Ä N E - 19 Detailkarten im Maßstab 1:7.500 der Ortschaften und Warfen - Greetsiel, Hauen, Visquard, Jennelt, Eilsum, Grimersum, Pilsum, Neu Etum, Hamswehrum, Woltzeten, Manslagt, Groothusen, Pewsum, Woquard, Uttum, Canum, Freepsum, Upleward, Campen, Loquard und Rysum - Straßenverzeichnis mit 300m-Suchgitter - Legende von der Apotheke über den Kinderspielplatz bis zum Zahnarzt (72 verschiedene Symbole) - Gewerbe- und Neu...

Was ist Was. Der Urmensch (378860249X)

Stammt der Mensch vom Affen ab? Welche Vorteile bot der aufrechte Gang? Haben wir Neandertalergene in uns? Der Wissenschaftsjournalist Dr. Rainer Köthe bringt uns in diesem WAS IST WAS-Buch die Lebensweise unserer Urahnen nahe, er berichtet von der Zähmung des Feuers und beschreibt die Entwicklung der Sprache. Anschaulich stellt er aktuelle Erkenntnisse und Theorien vor, erklärt die neuesten Methoden der Urmenschenforschung und geht schließlich der Frage nach, wie sich der Mensch weiterentwickeln könnte. Product details For ages 8+ Format Hardback | 48 pages ...

Understanding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (9780881326727)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a big deal in the making. With the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations at an impasse, the TPP negotiations have taken center stage as the most significant trade initiative of the 21st century. As of December 2012, negotiators have made extensive progress in 15 negotiating rounds since the talks began in March 2010, though hard work remains to finish the deal in the coming year or so. Despite this effort, however, the TPP is not well understood. In part, the reason lies in the dynamism of the TPP initiative. Unlike other free trade pacts, the growing membership as the talks have proceeded, and the broad range, complexity, and novelty of the issues on the agenda have made it difficult to track the substantive detail and progress of the talks. This Policy Analysis aims to remedy this problem by providing a reader's guide to the TPP initiative. It first assesses how much the TPP countries are alike and like-minded in their pursuit of a c...

Working the Roots : Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing (0692857877)

African American traditional medicine is an American classic that emerged out of the necessity of its people to survive. It began with the healing knowledge brought with the African captives on the slave ships and later merged with Native American, European and other healing traditions to become a full-fledged body of medicinal practices that has lasted in various forms down to the present day. Working the Roots: Over 400 Years Of Traditional African American Healing is the result of first-hand interviews, conversations, and apprenticeships conducted and experienced by author Michele E. Lee over several years of living and studying in the rural South and in the West Coast regions of the United States. She combines a novelist's keen ear for storytelling and dialogue and a healer's understanding of folk medicine arts into a book that makes for both pleasant, interesting reading, and serves as a permanent household healing guide. Divided between sections on interviews of healers ...

Chinese Art : A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery (9780804843164)

With over 630 striking color photos and illustrations, this Chinese art guide focuses on the rich tapestry of symbolism which makes up the basis of traditional Chinese art. Chinese Art: A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery includes detailed commentary and historical background information for the images that continuously reappear in the arts of China, including specific plants and animals, divine beings, mortals and inanimate objects. The book thoroughly illuminates the origins, common usages and diverse applications of popular Chinese symbols in a tone that is both engaging and authoritative. Chinese Art: A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery is an essential reference for collectors, museum-goers, guides, students and anyone else with a serious interest in the culture and history of China. Product details Format ...

Midwives and Mothers : The Medicalization of Childbirth on a Guatemalan Plantation (9781477311394)

The World Health Organization is currently promoting a policy of replacing traditional or lay midwives in countries around the world. As part of an effort to record the knowledge of local midwives before it is lost, Midwives and Mothers explores birth, illness, death, and survival on a Guatemalan sugar and coffee plantation, or finca, through the lives of two local midwives, Dona Maria and her daughter Dona Siriaca, and the women they have served over a forty-year period. By comparing the practices and beliefs of the mother and daughter, Sheila Cosminsky shows the dynamics of the medicalization process and the contestation between the midwives and biomedical personnel, as the latter try to impose their system as the authoritative one. She discusses how the midwives syncretize, integrate, or reject elements from Mayan, Spanish, and biomedical systems. The midwives' story becomes a lens for understanding the impact of medicalization on people's lives and the ways in which women...

The Book of Flying Machines (9780711243439)

Join Cogz the Robot Dog and discover how AEROPLANES and other FLYING MACHINES work! Cogz, and his mice sidekicks, Nutty and Bolt, are up in the sky, looking different flying machines. But how do they work? Discover all about forces, learn about wings, find out about the fastest planes in the world, and much more! Covering key STEM themes of engineering, physics, and inventions, and with a fun quiz to test your knowledge, this book will get your child engaged and hands-on with learning. Helicopters Aeroplanes Jet Engines Fighter Jets How Air Balloons Jumbo Jets Drones Jet Packs Perfect for vehicle-mad pre-schoolers, the Clever Cogz series lets you discover different vehicles, from space rockets to racing cars. Bite-sized text and colourful, informative illustrations introduce the transport topics in a simple, engaging way for young readers with a passion for machines. Product details ...